Getting old, is it worth it?

Getting old, is it worth it?

There is an alarming increase in the amount of people obsessed with being healthy and living longer.  They don’t drink or smoke, they agonise over what foods will give them the correct nutritional balance.  I have actually seen people running! And I don’t mean away from something, they just run because it’s apparently good for them.  And what is the result of all this ‘good’ living.  Well it seems it turns a person into a self-righteous cock wand with a few extra years of being old.

Robots are going to kill us

Robots are going to kill us

There have been many predictions as to how the world will end but the most exciting demise always involves robots.  The Mayans foresaw the collapse of Hallmark and Nostradamus went for the ever-popular comet theory but it was the Genius that is James Cameron that came up with the sentient Skynet hypothesis.   Skynet being the super computer America installs to manage its entire nuclear arsenal. What seems like a really good idea backfires when Skynet becomes self-aware and determines all mankind to be flawed  (on balance not an easy point to argue).